Hyundai Kona, 2020
Contract info
With £5k Uber discount*
Down payment:
Contract length:
64 kWh
Down payments are non-refundable.
*Uber discount based on a £5000 total Uber Clean Air Plan. Once Uber Clean Air Plan runs out payments return to the original price.
2024 Best small electric SUV for families, WhatCar?
2023 Best used electric small SUV, WhatCar?
Includes 12-weeks no-strings attached warranty so you don't have to worry.
Specification may vary, please call us to confirm current features
Rent-To-Buy Contract
WeFlex Vehicle Consumer Sale - Terms and Conditions
By making payment of the invoice you accept the vehicle as is and in the condition its sold to you.
All vehicles sold will meet the WeFlex standards be of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and as described
Your Consumer Rights: Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, if you buy a used car from WeFlex and it turns out to be faulty
You have the right to reject the car within 30 days and receive a full refund if there’s a problem that means your car doesn’t meet these standards, it develops a serious fault or you find that it isn’t what was advertised to you, you can raise this with WeFlex and ask for your money back. In this instance, you will be entitled to a full refund.
After 30 days, but within six months, you are entitled to a repair or replacement if the car develops a fault. WeFlex has the right to repair the fault and ensure any perceived fault is assessed at an approved independent garage. If this fails because the same fault persists, or a new inherent fault has developed, you’ve then got two options which will be dependent on the situation and WeFlex’s final decision:
A price reduction, meaning you keep the vehicle and get back some of the money you paid for it
Or, to exercise your final right of rejection – where you will be entitled to a refund of what you paid for the car minus a deduction for any usage you’ve had. This is usually calculated by looking at how many miles you’ve added to the vehicle, and charging a certain amount of pence for each mile driven.
If the issue occurs in the first six months after buying the car, it’s up to the selling dealership or garage to prove that it was of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and as described when they sold it to you.
If you want to reject your car for a full refund within the first 30 days, or the problem happens six months or more after you bought the vehicle, you – the consumer, needs to be able to prove that the car was not of satisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described when you bought it.
Termination Fees
WEFLEX 3 MONTH WARRANTY: Whilst every care is taken to provide a roadworthy and fault free vehicle, we know things can sometimes go wrong. For any vehicle taken from WeFlex we will look to put right any fault that comes to light within the 3 months or 10,000 miles, subject to final diagnostics and an inspection at a garage arranged by WeFlex. We do not cover any issue caused by driver fault.