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pay less.

Car maintenance.

Prevent costly problems with your car.

Make sure to look after your EV to prevent costly trips to the garage.


Preserve the life of your battery and its range by following these tips:


Only rapid charge 1-2 times a week.

Keep charge between 20-80%.

Avoid accelerating unnecessarily - slower driving is better for your battery.


Check your tyre pressure regularly.

Proper tyre pressure helps improve the car’s performance, increase efficiency, and prevent uneven wear.

Tyre pressure


Keep your brakes in good condition.


Inspect brakes every 12,000 miles or as the manufacturer recommends.

Use regenerative braking which reduces brake wear.


EVs have coolant to regulate the battery and other fluids to keep the car running smoothly.

Ensure that you monitor these levels as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

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